Curated by Kiara Cristina Ventura | Tumbao, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY

August 20 - August 31, 2021

Artists: Cielo Felix-Hernandez, Emmanuel Massillon, Estelle Maisonett, Ginssiyo Apara, Mónica Hernández, and Nicole Bello


Thinking of the kitchen as a space of gathering, cooking, experimenting, connecting and so on, the exhibition relates the kitchen to the artist studio. Here, we update ourselves on what these NYC based Latinx artists have been experimenting with and cooking up. Speaking on themes of home, identity, and food via the mediums of painting and sculpture, the artists collectively chop up the conversation, raise the temperature, and serve us fresh perspectives. 

Image: Work by Cielo Felix Hernandez

Cocinando Artist Talk ft. Cielo Felix Hernandez, Emmanuel Massillon, Estelle Maisonett, & Nicole Bello (EP.19) of AW CLASSROOM Podcast

dance in your kitchen to the cocinando playlist